The Spring Green blog is your go-to resource for up-to-date, expert content, created and curated by our in-house professionals. Here you can find seasonal tips, myths and misconceptions, and answers to all your common lawn care, pest control and tree care questions. Use the search function to quickly scan the entire blog archive for the topic of your choice.

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Early Spring Lawn Maintenance: 3 Simple Tasks to Start the Season

Early Spring Lawn Maintenance: 3 Simple Tasks to Start the Season

Early Spring Lawn Maintenance March 20 was the first day of spring , and for those of us that live in northern Illinois, we were greeted with about an inch of snow. It should all melt by this afternoon, but it was a reminder that we can still get snow in early spring through

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When to Plant Grass Seed: Spring Seeding & Cool Season Grasses

When to Plant Grass Seed: Spring Seeding & Cool Season Grasses

It may seem like spring is the best time for planting grass seed, and you can do it, but you need to keep a few things in mind before you spend the time and money to do so. First of all, you need to consider the temperature that the soil has to reach before the seed will germinate. Bluegrass and Fine Fescue begin germinating when soil temperatures reach around 60 degrees. Perennial Ryegrass germinates when soil temperatures reach about 70 degrees. This mean

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Lawn Moss Control and Ground Cover Tips for Shade

Lawn Moss Control and Ground Cover Tips for Shade

Almost every day I receive questions from our blog visitors about a specific question they have about their lawn and tree care. This week, we received an excellent question about controlling moss and other types for ground cover. "Hi, I live in southwest Pennsylvania. My yard has a lot of moss. The backyard is almost completely shaded by white oaks. I plan to apply a moss control. I also want to treat the yard with a granular lime, weed and feed and treat for crabgrass. What order and how far a

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Water Conservation Strategies

Water Conservation Strategies

Dwindling supply, higher costs and eventually governmental regulations have led to innovative products to help homeowners conserve water and save money at the same time. Have you ever witnessed a lawn sprinkler system running in the middle of a rain storm? It’s one of those sightings that causes you to scratch your head and wonder how someone could be so wasteful. Well, back in the day when control options were limited, there were few irrigation system accessories that

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How To Deal With Patchy Grass & Soil Compaction

How To Deal With Patchy Grass & Soil Compaction

Below, Harold Enger, Spring-Green’s lawn care expert, responds to a question about patchy grass and soil compaction. He offers several different ways of dealing with these pesky and persistent problems. Question: “There is a spot in my back yard where the grass is patchy. I lime, fertilize, aerate. The dirt is compacted. I have no worms. Someone said to use compost. How? How do I get worms in the soil ? How do I de-compact?” Ms. Larouse, Thank you for sending in your question. The first thing I suggest you do is to take a soil sample to your local county extension service to determine the pH and nutrient levels of your soil and then add the correct materials to correct for deficiencies. There will be a fee involved, but you will receive a written report of the soil test resu

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Dormant Seeding Dos and Don’ts

Dormant Seeding Dos and Don’ts

If you live in the south, dormant seeding is not something you can do to help your existing lawn. Seeding for warm season grasses is generally completed in the early summer. Although seed is available for many warm season grasses, getting it to germinate can be a real challenge. Most repair work is done using sprigs or by resodding bare areas. If you live farther north, where cool season grasses like bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and fescu

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5 Gift Ideas for Gardeners and Lawn Lovers This Holiday

5 Gift Ideas for Gardeners and Lawn Lovers This Holiday

The season of gift giving is upon us. It’s the time of year when everyone wants to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. So, what do you get that garden guru or lawn lover on your list? We've put together our Spring Green Gift Guide to help you out! Here are our five gift ideas for the gardener or lawn lover in your life: 1. Bird feeder or birdbath

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Will There Be Freeze Damage to Your Lawn This Winter?

Will There Be Freeze Damage to Your Lawn This Winter?

Answering whether or not there will be freeze damage to your lawn this winter is almost impossible, since there are a few things to understand about how turf adjusts to freezing temperatures first. If your lawn has had a chance to become acclimated to the cold through a period often referred to as the “hardening-off” process, it has a much greater chance of surviving freezing temperatures. If the freeze occurs very quickly without giving th

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Lawn Care Expert Harold Enger Celebrates 37 Years | Spring-Green

Lawn Care Expert Harold Enger Celebrates 37 Years | Spring-Green

February 20, 1978 was the day I first started working for a lawn care company. I have been asked many times about why I started working in this industry, and I’ve always said that it was fate that enabled me to start a job that I really knew nothing about when I first started. I had worked for a couple of landscaping companies while in high school, so I was familiar with landscapes and plants, but working for a lawn care company was new to me. After

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Spring Lawn Care Tips: Your Guide to Mowing, Seeding & Fertilizing

Spring Lawn Care Tips: Your Guide to Mowing, Seeding & Fertilizing

Now that lawns are beginning to become green throughout the country, many people start to get anxious to seed and fertilize and, believe it or not, mow their lawns—and they’re looking for the spring lawn care tips to get them on the right track. (For me, having to start mowing my lawn again is a chore, although not a dif

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Overwatering Your Lawn Can Lead to Brown Patches in the Grass

Overwatering Your Lawn Can Lead to Brown Patches in the Grass

Many customers equate a brown spot in their lawn as the lawn needing more water, when actually the opposite is what is often required. Too much water saturates the soil, filling up all the air space between the soil particles with water. This results in an anaerobic condition; basically the plant drowns, as it does not have enough oxygen to survive. How Do Sprinkler Systems Overwater the Lawn? Having a sprinkler system is great

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During a Drought, Check Your Sprinklers and Water Efficiently

During a Drought, Check Your Sprinklers and Water Efficiently

Most of us don’t think about watering our lawns in the spring; we generally rely on Mother Nature to do that for us. If you are fortunate to have an automatic sprinkler system, you may have delayed the start up process since the lawn might look good right now. Unfortunately, that is not true across the entire country. As you can see from the most recent Drought Monitor map, the west coast and some of the east coast are experiencing very dry weather.

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Don't Let Mushrooms Take Over Your Lawn

Don't Let Mushrooms Take Over Your Lawn

First comes rain, then comes the mushrooms! Not only does an abundance of rain mean that your grass is going to be growing at an unstoppable pace, it means that you’ll probably start seeing some mushrooms peaking up through the green. Mushrooms are fungi and in many cases they are beneficial since they are the fruiting bodies the organisms that break down organic matter, like thatch,

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7 Gift Ideas for the Lawn Lover/Gardener in Your Life.

7 Gift Ideas for the Lawn Lover/Gardener in Your Life.

Well, it’s that time of year again. The time for food comas, cookie exchanges, gift getting and the sometimes nerve-wracking, gift giving. Having trouble finding the perfect gift for that enthusiastic lawn-lover or gardener in your life? I’ve got you covered. Here are 7 affordable gifts for that yard guru on your list. All of which can be purchased through Amazon and delivered right to your doorstep, just in time for the holidays. Crossing names off your list has never been so easy

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5 New Year's Resolutions that Your Whole Family Can Enjoy!

5 New Year's Resolutions that Your Whole Family Can Enjoy!

It’s that time again… Time to pick your resolutions. Deciding on the right one can be stressful. With the holiday happenings and the prep for the New Year, who really has the time to commit 100% to a resolution? Then it’s the manner of keeping up with it once you’ve chosen it! That is a challenge within itself. That’s why picking something that you and those around you can enjoy, can be what keeps you motivated. Need some help picking that special resolution? I’ve got one for you: A more bea

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Winter Weeds That Just Won't Die

Winter Weeds That Just Won't Die

As I was walking my dog during the morning of New Year’s Day, I spotted a dandelion seed head poking through the snow. I found it interesting that this dandelion actually produced a flower in December, but it's most likely due to some unseasonably warm weather. I think it shows just how opportunistic a weed can be when the weather is suitable for flower production.

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Lawn Care 101- Are You Up for the Task?

Lawn Care 101- Are You Up for the Task?

Pushing a spreader across a lawn is not all that difficult and spraying a few weeds doesn’t take an advanced degree. Here are some things to take into consideration when deciding between taking care of your lawn yourself or hiring a lawn care company to do the work for you. No offense to my friends who own lawn maintenance companies, but it does not take much expertise to mow a lawn or use a weed whacker. Most homeowners hire a maintenance company because they are tired of doing the work themselves. H

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20th Anniversary of Renewal and Remembrance

20th Anniversary of Renewal and Remembrance

Spring-Green staff traveled to Arlington, VA and joined the industry’s largest day of service at Arlington National Cemetery where they serviced 624 acres. This year marked the 20 th anniversary for the National Association of Landscape Professional’s annual Renewal and Remembrance Event. Industry Professionals came from all across the US where they spent the day beautifying the grounds at Arlington National Cemetery. With over 400 lawn care and landscape professionals from across the US we all joined together to spread 88.6 Acres of turf with phosphorus and aerated another 92.2 Acres of t

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Nutsedge: Keep An Eye Out For This Intrusive Plant!

Nutsedge: Keep An Eye Out For This Intrusive Plant!

I am very observant of what is growing in lawns and landscapes in the various regions where I travel and have noticed, that each year, Nutsedge is becoming more prevalent and an increasing challenge to control. Nutsedge is a perennial plant that increases in numbers every year. A single plant has the ability to produce several hundred tubers, or nutlets every year. These tubers remain viable for 3 years or more in the soil. Each plant also produces underground root structures called rhizomes, which allows the plant to spread each year throughout a lawn or landscape

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The Time Has Come to Seed Cool-Season Grasses

The Time Has Come to Seed Cool-Season Grasses

Late August to early September is the best time to overseed cool-season grasses. It may still be a little warm outside, but temperatures will quickly begin to moderate as the days get shorter. The easiest way to get new seed into your lawn is to core aerate it first before sowing seed across your lawn. Be sure to either wait until a decent rain has fallen or the lawn is watered well before aerating.

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4 Ways to Make Your Lawn Work for You This Year

4 Ways to Make Your Lawn Work for You This Year

“I’m tired, I’m thirsty, these weeds are bothering me, I don’t feel like growing in this spot—it’s too shady , hot, wet….” Do you ever feel like you’re a full time employee for your lawn? You work hard, you spend time and money to control the constant nagging of your turf, and sometimes there’s nothing to show for the service you give to your lawn. We’ve compiled a list to turn the turf in your favor. Stop working for your lawn; below are four ways to make your lawn work for you, so you can sit back and re

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What To Expect From Your Lawn Care Service

What To Expect From Your Lawn Care Service

What should you expect from your lawn care company throughout the year? It seems like a fairly simple question, you expect that they will make your lawn green and weed-free. Caring for your lawn requires more than just fertilizer and weed control, it is based on a partnership between you and your lawn care company to make sure that your lawn stays healthy throughout the year. This partnership requires more than just an occasional lawn treatment. What you should expect from your lawn care company: Summary of Current Lawn Conditions<

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Is Organic Fertilizer or a Lawn Care Program Better For My Lawn?

Is Organic Fertilizer or a Lawn Care Program Better For My Lawn?

The first thing to understand about lawn care and lawns in general is that the lawn as we know is not a natural system. Most of the grasses we grow in our home lawns, sports fields, commercial properties, parks and playgrounds are not native to North America. Here is a quick summary of the origins of common turfgrasses: • Kentucky bluegrass – native to Europe, northern Asia and the mountains of Algeria and Morocco. • Perennial ryegrass, Fine and Tall Fescue – native to Europe. • Centipede grass – native to southern China

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Ways to Prevent Flea and Tick Problems For Your Pets

Ways to Prevent Flea and Tick Problems For Your Pets

If you have ever had to endure an attack of fleas or ticks on your pet, you will understand the frustration of trying multiple approaches to eliminate this nuisance from your home and yard. Having had to endure an outbreak of fleas on my dog last fall, I have come to understand the futility that comes with trying to control these nasty little insects. It required three trips to the vet, numerous baths, extensive cleaning and vacuuming, an outdoor insect control application and “bombing” our house twice before the problem ended. It took over two months to clear up the problem. “How did our dog ge

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How Do Lawn Diseases Develop and Ways to Prevent Them

How Do Lawn Diseases Develop and Ways to Prevent Them

If there is a disease that can develop where you live, the spores of that disease are probably in your lawn already as they will move from lawn to lawn mainly through wind movement. Some diseases are soil borne, meaning that they already exist in the soil. All diseases are waiting for the right environmental conditions to develop to infect the turf. Development of Lawn Disease It is important to understand how a disease develops. The term used to explain how a disease develops is called the Disease Triangle . It is basically the same concept as the Fire Triangle. There are three basic component

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Grub Control: It's Time To Treat Grubs On Your Lawn

Grub Control: It's Time To Treat Grubs On Your Lawn

One of the most common and potentially destructive insect in lawns of all types is white grub. It is also known as grub worms, annual white grubs or just plain old grubs. They damage turf by feeding on the roots of the plant as well as disturbing the soil with their constant search for edible roots. They eat whatever is in front of them, including soil and other organic matter. The digging and feeding of grubs is bad enough, but there are several animals that will feed on grubs when the grubs are active. Grubs are generally active in the late summer through fall and then again for a brief time in the early spri

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Lawn Lime Treatment: Should You Add Lime To Your Lawn?

Lawn Lime Treatment: Should You Add Lime To Your Lawn?

Depending upon where you live, adding a lawn lime treatment to your lawn is as necessary as adding fertilizer or even mowing it on a regular basis. Unless the pH of the soil is determined by a soil test, the fertilizer you apply may provide little benefit to the lawn. If your soil is too acidic, meaning that the pH is below 6.5, the fertilizer is not properly utilized by the grass plant and the lawn will appear weak and have a dull green to yellow color. The soil in some areas of the US is naturally acidic, so adding lime every year is a necessity. For other parts of the country,

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21st Anniversary of Renewal and Remembrance

21st Anniversary of Renewal and Remembrance

The National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) held their annual Renewal and Remembrance service project at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA on Monday, July 17, 2017. This event has been organized by the National Association of Landscape Professionals for 21 years. Over 500 Green Industry Professionals from across the US joined together to beautify the final resting place of over 400,000 of America’s military veterans and their spouses. Everyone joined together to spread lime and phosphorus, core aerated large sections of the grounds, completed tree t

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Summer Lawn Care: Mowing and Watering Tips

Summer Lawn Care: Mowing and Watering Tips

It’s summer, which means it's hot, and in many cases, dry. Lawns are showing the effects of these stress factors. It is critical to the health of the lawn to water properly and know best practices when mowing. Mowing Your Lawn Properly On

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Fall is a good time to fertilize cool season grasses!

Fall is a good time to fertilize cool season grasses!

Right now many of us are wondering how it could possibly be fall already, but it’s a fact. The autumnal equinox has passed, football season is underway, and pumpkin spice flavored foods and beverages are all the rage. If your lawn contains types of cool-season grasses, like Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Fine Fescue or Tall Fescue, the fall season also presents some fantastic opportunities to improve the overall health, vitality and beauty of your lawn. Performing core aeration in the f

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How to Get Your Lawn and Landscape Ready For Spring

How to Get Your Lawn and Landscape Ready For Spring

If you live in the southern part of the U.S., you may have already started getting your lawn and landscape in shape for the coming spring. For those that live in the more northern parts of the U.S., you are most likely wishing that it will start to get warmer so that the snow will melt and you can see your lawn, but there are still things that you can do to start getting your landscape in shape for the coming year. I conduct regional training programs across the U.S. at this time of year to help set the pace for the coming year. Besides sales and customer service topics, I also include

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Life Cycle of Winter Annual Weeds In Your Lawn and Landscape

Life Cycle of Winter Annual Weeds In Your Lawn and Landscape

In the world of weeds, there are three different life cycles – annual, biennial and perennial. Annuals only live for one growing period, biennials live for two years and perennials live for more than two years. Among these life cycles, there is also a distinct as to when the initial germination takes place. The common thought is that all weeds germinate in the spring, but many of them germinate in the fall, such as Dandelions, Henbit and Shepard’s Purse. These life cycles are referred to as winter germinating weeds. Winter Annual Weeds In Your Landscape Winter annual weeds are often

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Winter Turf Damage: Cold Temperatures Affected Southern Lawns

Winter Turf Damage: Cold Temperatures Affected Southern Lawns

Blog Post Provided From Roland Freund, Spring-Green Franchise Owner of Spring, Texas This past winter will be remembered as an unusually cold one in the South region, and landscapes are now telling the story. Homeowners are busy trying to replace dead plants and repair lawn areas. Since Eastern Redbuds are blooming, there is a very good chance the freezing cold weather is behind us. Lawn Care companies and the Extension Offices have been inundated with phone calls regarding dead areas in lawns. Everyone is quick to blame someone, but the truth of the matter is that no one had c

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Do It Yourself Lawn Care Worth It? Factors To Keep in Mind For the DIY Landscaper

Do It Yourself Lawn Care Worth It? Factors To Keep in Mind For the DIY Landscaper

It's safe to state that spring has finally arrived through much of the United States. The temperatures are on the rise, lawns are waking up from dormancy, trees and shrubs are leafing out and many of these plants are also producing flowers and the tulips, daffodils and other spring bulbs are blooming. It is also the time of year when advertisements for lawn care fertilizers and other control products are seen in the mail, newspapers and online. If you use a professional lawn care service like Spring-Green to care for your lawn, you may start comparing the price you pay for that service to the prices

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Weed And Feed 101 – Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know

Weed And Feed 101 – Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know

Like many things in life timing matters. If you want a healthy, vibrant lawn year-round, it’s just as important to understand what it needs as well as to understand when it needs it. A foundational link to your lawn’s health is providing protection from the weeds that can threaten its very existence. Weed killers, weed and feed and the timing of it all, however, can be mystifying to homeowners seeking answers. Not to worry though, you’ve got a neighborhood lawn expert at your disposal! Spring-Green has the basics of weed killer best prac

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Happy National Lawn Care Month – We’ve Got All The Tips!

Happy National Lawn Care Month – We’ve Got All The Tips!

It’s April. It’s spring. The temps are rising, the birds are chirping and it’s National Lawn Care Month! At Spring Green , we love April for all these reasons, and we want to spread our love for lawn care with you by sharing the ways lawns enhance our lives and the basic dos and don'ts of lawn care. National Lawn Care Month: 3 Ways Lawns Enhance Our Lives 1. They protect from ticks, mosquitoes, fleas and fire ants.

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Are Spring-Green Lawn Care Services Safe for Pets?

Are Spring-Green Lawn Care Services Safe for Pets?

A general concern that comes up every year is if the pesticides we use are safe for pets and children. The majority of the pesticide products Spring-Green uses are considered “General Use” and can be purchased and used by homeowners. Spring-Green will post every treated lawn and leave instructions to stay off the lawn until the application has dried. While the drying time is influenced by weather, in most cases, keeping pets and children off the treated area for 2 hours after the application is a good practice and recommended. After the drying time, your pets and kids can enjoy the yard

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Seedheads Developing on Cool Season Grasses

Seedheads Developing on Cool Season Grasses

Lawn-lovers may get worried when they see little seedheads covering the tops of their lawns, usually starting around the middle of May when sunlight reaches 12 hours a day. No need to worry. It is a natural process for grass to produce seed, and fertilization and proper mowing practices will help keep the lawn healthy. The seedheads are forming on tiny stalks that the grass plant sends up. Depending on its abundance, the seedheads can make the lawn look pale. Once the stalks are mowed, which don’t cut as easily as grass blades, they may shred and give the lawn an almost white appearance. Seedhead development usually occurs on cool season grasses such as Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky

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All The Tips To Keep Your Lawn Hydrated This Summer

All The Tips To Keep Your Lawn Hydrated This Summer

Watering a lawn may not seem difficult, but with finicky summer weather, there are best practices that every homeowner should know. Get answers to common questions like, “What time of day should I water my lawn?”, “How much water does my lawn need?”, “How long should I water my lawn for?” and more. Enjoy your summer days outdoors with a lush, green lawn that has the perfect amount of hydration. Here’s what you need to know on how to properly water your lawn during the summer: Lawn Watering Tips Best Time of Day to Water Your Law

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Stay Sharp: How To Keep Your Lawn Mower Blade Working Its Best

Stay Sharp: How To Keep Your Lawn Mower Blade Working Its Best

Have you ever pondered the sharpness of your lawn mower? If so, you are not alone in your consideration of the sharpness of your mower. You can follow all the mowing tips and mowing best practices available for consumption, but with a dull blade, you won’t get too far. The pros at Spring-Green , your neighborhood lawn care professionals, are here with the tips you need to keep your mower blade sharp and your lawn looking sharp! Guide To Keeping Your Lawn Mower Blades Sharp Does a sharp mower blade really matter? Compare the s

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Winter Lawn Care Made Easy | Tips for Warm Climate Maintenance

Winter Lawn Care Made Easy | Tips for Warm Climate Maintenance

Proper winter lawn care includes controlling winter weeds, adjusting irrigation, and testing soil to maintain lawn health in warm climates. Overseeding with ryegrass keeps lawns green during winter, while dormant seeding jump-starts growth for cool-season grasses. Minimizing foot traffic on dormant grass, using mulch for protection, and watering wisely help prevent damage and promote strong spring growth. Winter in a warm climate usually means no snow shoveling, but it doesn’t mean your lawn can take a break. While warm-season grasses

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The Luck of the Irish? All About Clover in Your Lawn

The Luck of the Irish? All About Clover in Your Lawn

St. Patrick’s Day is upon us! It’s the time of year where Irish heritage is celebrated and symbols like four-leaf clovers, rainbows and gold are abundant. But for many homeowners, finding clovers in the lawn isn't a joyous way to recognize the holiday. Instead, this pesky weed can leave you confused and frustrated. As we embark on this Irish holiday, let’s unpack the truth about the clover and its effect on your lawn. <

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Getting To Know & Getting Rid of Invasive Plants

Getting To Know & Getting Rid of Invasive Plants

Invasive plants are just as they sound; invasive. They are invading a space that is not native to them. This doesn’t just mean they came from somewhere other than your geographic locale, it can mean that they will cause big trouble for your landscape. Not all invasive plants are bad, but knowing how to identify them and remove them if needed can be m

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How To Paw Proof Your Yard

How To Paw Proof Your Yard

The world has many outside playtimes and that is not excluding our furry friends. With more lawn renovation than ever before, it is important to tackle the need of paw proofing your yard.  Harsh chemicals, poisonous plants, faded yellow spots, and so much more remain a threat to your family’s well-being. However, Spring-Green is here to share their best practices and insider tips for your lawn,

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How To Test The pH Of Your Soil

How To Test The pH Of Your Soil

As homeowners you may hear the call to test the pH level of your soil quite often. It may seem like a great concept, but many questions swirl around putting a pH test into action. Spring-Green , your neighborhood lawn care experts, have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions our customers have asked us over the years in relation to testing the pH levels of their soil and all things related. What is pH? The pH level measures how acidic or how alkaline a substance is. The test of pH shows the amount of hydrogen atoms that carry a positive charge. A higher concentration of hydroge

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Prepare and Protect Your Lawn This Trick-or-Treating Season

Prepare and Protect Your Lawn This Trick-or-Treating Season

  With Halloween quickly approaching,  Spring-Green  wants to provide a helpful guide to navigate the upcoming trick-or-treaters. These tips will help you to prep and protect your lawn while still enjoying all the costumes, candy, and fun! 

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Why Are My Tree Branches Falling Off?

Why Are My Tree Branches Falling Off?

Have you noticed your trees are losing branches? Are more limbs collecting in your yard than normal? If so, you might be wondering if it is time to start worrying about the health of your trees. There are many reasons that tree branches fall. Some indicate a problem. Some don’t. Here are the questions you should be asking about your trees.    Q&As about your trees' health    Why do healthy trees lose branches?   Not every tree that loses a few branches has an issue. Trees shed branches for many reasons that are not linked to illness. Typically, sudden branch breakage is the tree’s respons

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How Can I Build A DIY Fire Pit For My Backyard?

How Can I Build A DIY Fire Pit For My Backyard?

Fire pits nowadays are all the rage when it comes to backyard additions. From afternoon barbeques to after dusk evening s’mores surrounded by the warm fire.  Fire pits can provide good functionality and a pleasant gathering space for your backyard that will endure all year round. Also, many realtors suggest that adding a backyard fit p

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When Do I Start Planning My Spring Landscaping Goals?

When Do I Start Planning My Spring Landscaping Goals?

If you have big dreams for your landscape this year, now is a great time to map out what you want and create a wish list so you can hit the ground running when spring arrives.  While you may not know where to begin with your spring landscape preparations,

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What Flowers Are Right For My Garden?

What Flowers Are Right For My Garden?

As we approach warmer weather, a burning thought comes to the forefront of many homeowners’ minds—trying to understand what flowers are right for your garden. This can be overwhelming as there are so many options available, but not to worry! Even for those who think they have a “brown thumb,” we have the tips you need to ensure your flower garden sees success. From understanding your geographic zone to exploring perennials and other popular flowers, we’ve compiled the guide you need to create a vibrant and thriving garden. <

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How Can I Prepare My Lawn For A Memorial Day Party?

How Can I Prepare My Lawn For A Memorial Day Party?

Memorial Day signals that summer is just around the corner, which means it’s time for backyard barbecues, pool parties and yard games. If your thoughts are focused on your summer weekend plans, your first step should be yard prep. Here's what you need to kick things off this Memorial Day to set

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Tips To Fix Your Lawn During A Summer Drought

Tips To Fix Your Lawn During A Summer Drought

It’s almost inevitable. Summer arrives with scorching temps and lots of rain. But then the rain doesn’t always stay and drought conditions kick in. Lawn care becomes more complicated in an instant. Drought is more of a problem than ever before and worse in specific areas of the United States than others. Statistics estimate that 53 million people are living in drought-affected areas worldwide. More than 93 percent of the land area in Utah, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico is in some level of drought while 69 percent of Utah is in severe drought

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How to Identify Your Lawn Grass Type: A Guide for the New Homeowner

How to Identify Your Lawn Grass Type: A Guide for the New Homeowner

Owning a home comes with a blend of responsibilities and rewards, and one crucial yet frequently overlooked aspect is lawn care. Effective management of your lawn isn't just about boosting curb appeal — it's also about contributing positively to the environment. Whether you're a first-time homeowner or just looking to refine your lawn care skills, knowing how to tell what type of grass you have is the first step towards cultivating a healthy,

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Understanding Vital Winter Tasks to Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

Understanding Vital Winter Tasks to Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

Aerating your lawn in late fall improves air and water penetration, promoting healthier grass growth in spring.  Winter fertilization with potassium-rich products strengthens grass roots and enhances resilience to freezing and disease.  Removing debris like leaves and branches prevents lawn suffocation and reduces the risk of pests and fungal infections.  Overseeding and weed prevention during winter encourage thicker grass and help control weeds before they emerge in spring.   When temperatures

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