The Spring Green blog is your go-to resource for up-to-date, expert content, created and curated by our in-house professionals. Here you can find seasonal tips, myths and misconceptions, and answers to all your common lawn care, pest control and tree care questions. Use the search function to quickly scan the entire blog archive for the topic of your choice.

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What to Do First: Reseeding or Top Dressing? - Spring-Green Lawn Care Tips

What to Do First: Reseeding or Top Dressing? - Spring-Green Lawn Care Tips

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Fall Lawn Care: Our Top 5 Tips

Fall Lawn Care: Our Top 5 Tips

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Overseeding in the Fall: Tips on Watering and Raking

Overseeding in the Fall: Tips on Watering and Raking

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How to Control Algae in Your Lawn

How to Control Algae in Your Lawn

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3 Ways to Get Rid of Creeping Bentgrass in Your Lawn

3 Ways to Get Rid of Creeping Bentgrass in Your Lawn

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When You Should Core Aerate and Reseed Your Lawn

When You Should Core Aerate and Reseed Your Lawn

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The Best Time to Aerate Your Lawn, for Cool and Warm Season Grasses

The Best Time to Aerate Your Lawn, for Cool and Warm Season Grasses

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Resuscitating a Dead Lawn with Core Aeration and Overseeding

Resuscitating a Dead Lawn with Core Aeration and Overseeding

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Tall Fescue Lawn Care

Tall Fescue Lawn Care

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How to Avoid Green Slimy Ooze From Growing On Your Lawn.

How to Avoid Green Slimy Ooze From Growing On Your Lawn.

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Avoid Doing This To Your Lawn...

Avoid Doing This To Your Lawn...

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Fairy Rings: Everything You Need To Know!

Fairy Rings: Everything You Need To Know!

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When Is The Best Time To Aerate Your Lawn?

When Is The Best Time To Aerate Your Lawn?

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5 Fall Gardening Chores You Shouldn't Ignore!

5 Fall Gardening Chores You Shouldn't Ignore!

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Be Nice to Your Lawn and Have it Core Aerated

Be Nice to Your Lawn and Have it Core Aerated

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Rejuvenate Your Lawn with Core Aeration and Reseeding

Rejuvenate Your Lawn with Core Aeration and Reseeding

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Has Spring Finally Sprung? Tips For Your Lawn This Spring Season!

Has Spring Finally Sprung? Tips For Your Lawn This Spring Season!

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Large Patch & Take-All Root Rot: Warm Season Grasses Patch Lawn Diseases

Large Patch & Take-All Root Rot: Warm Season Grasses Patch Lawn Diseases

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