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Fleas and ticks are nuisances to both humans and pets, especially in the summer months when the weather is ideal for these pests. Taking preventative measures is key in controlling flea and tick populations in your yard so that they don’t find their way into your home.
What is Lyme disease?
Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely, Borrelia mayonii. It’s transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks. Symptoms of Lyme disease include fatigue, headache, fever, joint pain, skin rash and more.
How is Lyme disease contracted and spread?
Lyme disease is contracted when a deer tick is infected by Lyme disease and bites a human. Lyme disease can also impact household pets.
Where do ticks come from?
Ticks are often found in heavily wooded areas or areas with overgrown vegetation. They attach themselves to their host to feed, then can transfer to another host if available.
Where do fleas come from?
Fleas derive from infected animals. Once a flea falls off a pet or wildlife, it can live in its environment for weeks to months, no matter its current life cycle (egg, larvae, pupa, adult).
When found outside, fleas reside in shady areas in brush piles, tall grass and bushes. They latch onto hosts when they pass by.
By practicing a few do-it-yourself measures and enlisting the help of a trained and licensed professional, you can prevent fleas and ticks all summer long. Our Flea and Tick Control* can help rid your property of infestations, as well as create a barrier that keeps these pests from thriving.
*Flea and Tick Control may not be available in all locations.