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How to Reduce Mosquito Bites With 5 Simple Steps
How to Reduce Mosquito Bites With 5 Simple Steps
Zika Virus, Dengue Fever, Chikungunya Virus, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever and Malaria. These are major diseases that are often discussed as it relates to a person who may contract something as the result of a mosquito bite. Some of these diseases make headlines almost every night, like the Zika Virus, while others are rarely discussed. It seems like we should be afraid to venture outdoors for fear of getting one of these diseases.
No one really likes to get stung by a mosquito, especially if there is a remote possibility of coming down with a serious disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can take steps to reduce the possibility of being bit by a mosquito.
These steps include:
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
- Stay indoors where it is air conditioned to keep the mosquitos out.
- If you enjoy sleeping with the windows open, be sure your screens are free from holes or tears that could let mosquitos inside.
- Sleep under a mosquito net to prevent being bit while sleeping. If you enjoy camping, use a mosquito net while sleeping.
- Use insect repellants that are registered by the EPA. When used as directed, these products are proven to be safe and effective, even for pregnant or nursing mothers. As is the case with any pest control product, be sure to read and follow all label directions. Reapply these products as directed.
If you are trying to protect an infant or baby, follow these recommendations:
- Do not use insect repellent on babies younger than 2 months of age. When protecting older children, spray insect repellant onto your hands and rub it on their face.
- Just as you would have an older child or adult, dress in clothes that cover arms and legs.
- Use mosquito netting over the crib, stroller and car carrier.
Another step you can take to prevent mosquito bites is to treat your landscape during the months when insects are most active in your area. There are numerous products available at home improvement centers and hardware stores, but many people prefer to hire a professional company to spray for mosquito's. Spring-Green offers this service at many of its locations. Contact your local office to inquire about Spring-Green’s Mosquito Protection Service.