More Rain Means More Mosquito's...

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mosquito1 Some areas of the US are experiencing record rain falls this spring. Which has led to wide spread flooding and property damage. On the bright side, with all this rain comes lush plants and green lawns. But, unfortunately brings one other concern – MOSQUITO'S! We may even see a bumper crop of these bloodsuckers this year, especially in areas that have had huge storms this year. Mosquitos only need half an inch of water to breed. They can find water in places we never think about, such as gutters that may be blocked with old leaves, bird baths, flower pot trays, swimming pools, wheel barrows left outside, pet water dishes left outside or any other place where water can collect. Once an egg is laid in the water, it takes anywhere from 4 to 14 days to progress through four life stages before becoming an adult, depending upon the water temperature. The male will feed on the nectar of flowers, but the female immediately searches for a host from which to extract a blood meal. She can lay as many as 300 eggs at one time.

Mosquito Protection Service - Expert Lawn Care Tips

Don't forget about protection! Protecting yourself from mosquitos starts with the elimination of breeding sites. Protecting yourself can reduce your chances of contracting several mosquito-borne illnesses, such as: Zika, encephalitis, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile virus, or dengue. It is estimated that up to 2 million people may die each year from mosquito-borne illnesses, malaria being the most common mosquito-borne illness.

5 Preventative Mosquito Tips:

  1. For personal protection, use a product that contains DEET. According to the CDC, other products that act as a repellant include: picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-menthane-diol products. They also caution to read and follow all label instructions.
  2. Since mosquito's can bite through thin clothing, consider spaying your clothes as well, but don’t spray your skin under clothing that has been sprayed with a repellent.
  3. If possible, avoid being outside during peak mosquito biting hours, which is basically from dusk to dawn.
  4. Check your home and make sure all screens are free of holes and fit tightly in their frames.
  5. It is also a great idea to treat the areas around your house, such as your landscape plants, mulch beds and areas under decks.
Although spraying your property will not eliminate all the mosquito's in your outdoor environment, it will greatly reduce the chances of you, your family, guests and family pets from getting bit. There are over 3,500 species of mosquito's in the world and close to 200 species found in the United States.

Mosquito facts

Spring-Green offers Mosquito Protection Service to its customers to help keep the mosquito's away. Contact an office nearest you to schedule this important service. Don’t let mosquito's spoil your summer.