Are lawn grubs making a meal of your turf? Find out how to fix the problem before complete lawn repair is required.
There are over 400 species of ants that inhabit North America. These pests are often seen as a nuisance but they also provide benefits to our environment. Learn more about them and how to best control them.
Are millipedes and centipedes bad for your lawn care? They actually help return lawn fertilizing nutrients to the soil. Find out more.
Fire Ants can be identified by their reddish color, small size and fiery sting. Learn more about these insects and how to control them.
Maple Scale insects are identified by a hard shell that protects them from predators and the weather. Learn more about how to control them.
If you have a heavy infestation of fleas and/or ticks, ridding your pets and property of these irritating insects is a little more complex than a treatment of your lawn. Learn more about the steps to rid your home of these insects.
Earwigs make up a beneficial part of the garden environment, but have received a ‘bum’ rap because of some old folk tales. Here's how they received their name, and the advantages of this member of the insect world.
Sod webworms attack many varieties of grass, but are especially deadly on bluegrass lawns. Find out what you need to do to save your lawn.
What attracts any type of insect-eating varmint to your property? A free meal! Raccoons, skunks, moles and other rodents don't mind tearing up your lawn for a tasty treat. Learn ways to prevent and protect your lawn from damage.
Armyworms are plump, careless, striped caterpillars that feed on grasses and grain crops. Find out more about how to identify these caterpillars and ways to control them.
Mole crickets can cause a lot of damage to your yard and lawn in virtually every type of warm season grass. Learn more about how to control these insects before they damage your lawn.
Snails and slugs come out at night and feed on ornamental plants in your yard causing damage and making your landscape plants less attractive. Learn how you can save your landscape.
Squirrels have adapted to city life very well, and can be a major annoyance in terms of grass and lawn care. Learn more about how to control these pesky creatures.
The European pine sawfly is one of the more common varieties. They feed on Scotch, Mugho, Red, Jack, and other pine trees in the eastern and southern U.S. Learn more about how to control them.
Boxelder bugs become a nuisance in the late summer and early fall when they congregate on the south sides of buildings, rocks, or trees. Find out how to control these pesky insects.
Voles live in vacant fields that may surround some homes as well as under decks, storage sheds, concrete pads, and in landscape beds. Find out the best way to control these animals.
The larva of adult crane flies feed on grass plants from late fall through spring. Find out the best way to control them.
Young chinch bugs do the worst damage by piercing the cells of the grass blades and sucking the sap. The blades that are attacked turn yellow, then brown, and then they die. Learn how to control them.